Light and experiences
Shopping is no longer just about buying the necessities: it has evolved into a multi-facetted mass leisure activity. It’s about browsing, socializing, having fun, seeing and being seen. And in the fast-changing retail marketplace, adaptability is key.
The value of light
Deployed imaginatively, lighting can create a fresh, appealing in-store ambience. One that draws consumers in, inspires them and – with inviting displays of merchandise – puts them in the mood to buy.
Meaningful innovations
Based on our extensive research into shoppers&rsqu
Light and experiences
Shopping is no longer just about buying the necessities: it has evolved into a multi-facetted mass leisure activity. It’s about browsing, socializing, having fun, seeing and being seen. And in the fast-changing retail marketplace, adaptability is key.
The value of light
Deployed imaginatively, lighting can create a fresh, appealing in-store ambience. One that draws consumers in, inspires them and – with inviting displays of merchandise – puts them in the mood to buy.
Meaningful innovations
Based on our extensive research into shoppers’ needs, we have developed several innovative new concepts and solutions that enable shops to address the challenges of today’s retail environment. A primary example is AmbiScene, a lexible lighting concept that helps retailers fulill the dynamic aspirations of contemporary consumers.
Other value-adding, sustainable innovations include our cutting-edge lamp technology, which makes fresh food produce, for example, look simply irresistible, and our LED lighting solutions, which ofer a vast palette of colors and dynamic efects combined with signiicant savings on maintenance and energy costs.
Due to the current restrictions and guidelines set by the authorities on modes of operation, we anticipate some delays in the delivery of online orders. We appreciate your understanding, assuring you that we will try our best to deliver your orders as soon as possible.
Customer Care
With the restrictions in place, our Customer Care Centers are currently operating with extremely limited resources and are closed to walk-in customers. But our field customer care team is on the job to handle essential services of Major Domestic Appliances like Refrigerators, Cookers, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, etc. There may be a delay to your repair, delivery and installation service due to reduced staff capacity, spare parts delays and due to the guidelines that we have to comply with in terms of work timings, social distancing, entry permits in certain buildings, etc.
Please find below ways to contact our Customer Care Team for general enquiries and technical support:
Call Centre: +971 4 2310 300
[Timings : Sunday to Thursday between 8:00 am to 2:00 pm]
WhatsApp: +971 54 4490 610
[Please leave your contact number and we will get back to you during the working hours –
Sunday to Thursday between 8:00 am to 2:00 pm]